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Concealed Containers

As you know, all nesting dolls have three parts: a head, a tail, and something that really defines it all.

An earlier version of something (8)
Form a plan to do something illegal (8)
Magazine often used for Pokémon news (8)
Its gin was invented in 1794 (6)
What you could shout with four cards left in Uno (6)
Respectfully turn down an invitation (7)
Harry Potter composer (7)
By law, it can never decrease (7)
Class of colorless crystals consisting of Ca, K, or Na composing 41% of the continental crust (8)
A handy reference to calculate a value (7)
A wreath of leaves or flowers often seen on Christmas trees (7)
A catch-all place for assistance, particularly computer users in a company (8)
Cross-dressing character in Shakespeare's Cymbeline (6)
Language that supposedly has many words for snow (5)
It might be a better average for a skewed data set (6)
Animal that fails to sense evil in three ways (6)
Opioid blocking medicine used in overdose situations (8)
Genus of two Detroit sports teams (8)
Taxonomical alternative to division (6)
What you buy from an insurance provider (6)
Highbrow German automaker (7)
A list of steps to be taken (7)
Type of snake or a language (6)
A treatment for a disease or injury (6)
A cold treat you might have at the beginning of the week (6)
An abbreviation of a stock, or a thing that stands for something else (6)
Guy who might doubt a lot? (6)